Membership benefits 2025

  Lifelong memberNewcomerStartWorkStudents
Price per person60 000 CZK + 8 000 / annual fee 10/16 000 annual fee8 000 CZK11 000 CZK50% of the annual memebership
Free 18 hole course entryMon - SunMon - SunMon - SunMon - Wed
Thu - Sun 20% discount
Mon - Sun
Driving + academy entryincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded
1 token / 34 balls40 CZK40 CZK40 CZK 40 CZK 40 CZK 
18 hole non-member accompanied by member discount25%25%25%Mon - Wed 25%25%
Multiple membership payments individualn.a. n.a.n.a.n.a.
Buggy after discount  600 CZK700 CZK 700 CZK700 CZK700 CZK
Buggy discount Mon-Thu if membership purchased by 31.12.2024 50% discount50% discount n.a.n.a.n.a.
Driving range entryincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded
Caddy room locker rental small / large caddy box1200 / 2000 CZK1200 / 2000 CZK1200 / 2000 CZK1200 / 2000 CZK1200 / 2000 CZK
Golf pro lesson (25 min) 15%7,5% 7,5%7,5%7,5%
Other courses reciprocity20 - 40%20 - 40%20 - 40% 20 - 40% 20 - 40% 
Wellness – massages and cosmetic procedures20%15%10%10%10%
Wellness zone A+B
2 hours entrance
 20% 10% 10%10% 10%
Pro shop 10% discount5% discount5% discount5% discount5% discount
Restaurant15% discount10% discount10% discount nono
Partner hotels at golf courses10 - 15% discount10 - 15% discount 10 - 15% discount10 - 15% discount10 - 15% discount 
Grundresort hotel - accommodation 25% discount15% discount 15% discount15% discount15% discount


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